Pomegranate is one of the fruits in the low glycemic index group of foods. Although pomegranate is not one of the lowest-calorie foods, it will not cause weight gain. This is because of its low glycemic index. It has a GI of only 35
What does this mean? The higher the GI, the more your blood glucose level will rise after eating the product. The low GI of pomegranate means that it is digested more slowly. As a result, after eating it for a long time we will not feel hungry. This type of product should be the basis of any healthy diet. They can be eaten without fear, not only by people watching their weight but also by diabetics.
Pomegranates are useful for any type of diabetes, their systematic presence in the diet of the patient can be considered as effective prevention of possible complications of the underlying disease.
However, take into account the fact that pomegranate contains a lot of fiber, which helps regulate the digestive process. In addition, it has a sweet taste. Because of this, it will be perfect as a snack or an addition to a diet dessert.
Granate vitamins and minerals
For some, it is called the fruit of life. Why? First of all because of its color and health properties. Pomegranate is one of the most unique fruits, characterized by its specific taste, which surprisingly found a place in some regional cuisines for the preparation of various dishes and desserts,
Very often while eating it, we do not realize that this red, juicy fruit contains not only tasty juice and seeds, but also a whole lot of valuable ingredients for us:
- 20 g carbohydrate;
- 2 g protein;
- 4 g of fiber;
- 10 mg of vitamin C;
- 17 mg of vitamin K;
- 12 mg magnesium;
- 36 mg phosphorus;
- 236 mg potassium.
Pomegranate is not only an excellent source of dietary fiber. It is a veritable vitamin bomb, pomegranate contains B vitamins, including B1, B2, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B9 (folic acid), as well as vitamins C, E, and K. This fruit is also a very good source of numerous minerals, which include potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, and even magnesium.
It is also a great cleansing product for the body due to its high antioxidant content. For example, in pomegranate juice, you can find polyphenols, tannins, delphinidin, cyanidin, pelargonidin, and in the peel additionally catechins and gallocatechin.
Pomegranate is also rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, which are responsible for regulating cholesterol in the body, reducing the bad cholesterol, and supporting the production of the good one.
Health properties of pomegranate
This fruit also has an effect on the circulatory system, more specifically, it strengthens the blood supply to the heart and prevents its diseases. It also turns out to be a very good addition to the diet of future mothers, because it is rich in polyphenols, i.e. substances that protect the fetus' brain, and it also lowers blood sugar levels, which can be effective against type 2 diabetes.
Above all, Pomegranate supports the internal cleansing processes of the body very well.
Thanks to the high content of vitamin C and beta-carotene, it destroys free radicals, which are responsible for cell damage. Thanks to these nails, hair, and skin regain their healthy appearance for much longer.
It contains the most antioxidants of all fruits consumed by humans, which makes it a "true source of youth" for each body, as well as a way to reduce the risk of cancer, or as mentioned above, diabetes. Antioxidants can slow down the formation of cancer cells in the lungs, liver, prostate, and esophagus.
The medicinal properties of pomegranate also include protection against impotence and prostate cancer, as well as atherosclerosis. The fatty acids contain lower LDL cholesterol (negative) and increase HDL cholesterol (positive).
Pomegranate in terms of sexuality is not only a fight against impotence, which has a beneficial effect on erection itself and on erotic sensations of women and men. On its own, however, it is recommended for people working in occupations requiring concentration and resistance to stress, because it calms and restores mental balance.
The list of health properties of pomegranate is extremely long. This is probably not all its properties. It is also used in cosmetics to fight skin imperfections from the outside. Certainly, an extract from this fruit can be found on the labels of many cosmetics.
Speaking of the beneficial effect of pomegranate on our health, we can not forget about its advantages:
- helps regulate blood pressure and glucose levels;
- prevents cardiovascular diseases and heart diseases;
- supports weight loss and cleansing
- supports the body's immune system;
- lowers the level of bad cholesterol;
- anti-inflammatory;
- improves memory;
- diuretic;
- removes free radicals from the body;
- prevents atherosclerosis;
- helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Health hidden in the seeds
It turns out that diabetes is prevented by pomegranate seed oil. These are the conclusions of a study conducted by American scientists from Houston. The pomegranate seed oil contains a lot of linoleic acids. It increases the sensitivity of the body to insulin - the hormone on which the proper management of sugars in the body depends.
Fruity neutralization
Prevention of diabetes is not the only advantage of pomegranates. These fruits contain huge amounts of antioxidants. These are chemical compounds that protect our body from free radicals - dangerous molecules that can cause cancer.
In addition, pomegranates strengthen blood vessels, sealing them, which is very beneficial for people suffering from e.g. varicose veins. Regularly eating pomegranates or drinking their juice strengthens our immune system, so we get colds less often. Pomegranates also help with digestive problems.
Granate and diabetes
People with diabetes should be especially careful about their nutrition. Because excess blood sugar requires certain dietary restrictions, all foods containing carbohydrates should be off the menu. These include sweets, fatty foods, sugar, and some types of fruit.
However, narrowing your diet does not mean completely rejecting nature's gifts. Therefore, it is necessary to look for options to replace forbidden fruits with fruits that diabetics can benefit from. In this regard, pomegranate is the most attractive. Nutritionists recommend that patients with diabetes include this healthy fruit in their diet. Given the fact that there are year-round pomegranates available on store shelves and in the market, it is possible to purchase such products without any problems.
In addition, the glycemic index of pomegranate is 35, which is a good indicator. With the regular use of pomegranates in people suffering from diabetes, blood sugar levels will be stable. In addition, the risk of gastrointestinal and intestinal diseases will be reduced, and the activity of the cardiovascular system will improve.
Benefits of pomegranate for diabetics
Such a set of components can perform many tasks. Given the sensitivity of the human body, which is forced to constantly monitor sugar levels and adjust its menu according to changes in this indicator, pomegranate can remove many problems.
It is commonly believed that due to the relatively high sugar content of the fruit, its consumption for people with diabetes should be limited. But this is a bad idea. The fact is that after consumption, glucose interacts with other substances and is immediately neutralized, resulting in a decrease in the glycemic index. The index of this index depends on the general condition of the patient, his individual characteristics.
But in any case, before including these useful fruits in your diet, you should consult an endocrinologist. Doctors recommend using southern fruits in diabetes of the second type every day in moderate portions, combining this dietary supplement with appropriate physical activity. You can enjoy the taste of the fruit itself and also drink pomegranate juice, which is an excellent thirst quencher. There is indeed a condition that requires strict compliance - the juice must be prepared independently.
Products that can be bought in the store are not suitable for the menu for diabetics. In addition, it is dangerous for health. So that the high concentration of acids does not damage the enamel of the teeth, before use, pomegranate juice should be diluted with boiled water in the ratio of 60 drops per 100 g of liquid.
The acceptable daily serving is 100 grams of pomegranate seeds.
Its benefits lie in the following properties:
- Pomegranate is an excellent antioxidant and quickly frees the body from toxins and toxins.
- Due to its moderate diuretic properties, it removes excess fluid, solving the problem of swelling.
- Strengthens the walls of the vessels, increasing their elasticity.
- Normalizes blood circulation.
- Stabilizes blood pressure, which is also important because in most cases diabetes is accompanied by hypertension.
- Saturates the tissues with vitamins and beneficial components.
- Has pronounced antiseptic properties that help block the development of infectious processes. This ability is especially important because diabetics have a higher risk of contracting a viral infection.
- Regular use of pomegranate prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which is a good prevention of strokes and other circulatory disorders.
- It is possible to feel imperceptible changes in the body with regular use of pomegranates, which strengthens the body's protective resources, i.e. the immune system.