The Nova Max brand of diabetic testing supplies has been a top contender in the industry for many years. While many other companies may have multiple meters to choose from, Nova Max has two, The Nova Max Plus and the Nova Max Link.
The company hasn’t expanded its brand to include newer models, but has taken steps to increase the accuracy on their current models, to ensure customer satisfaction. You can order Nova Max on Amazon.
What This Guide Will Teach You
This guide was created as a teaching tool for you to use for educational purposes. It can help you to make a better, more educated decision when it comes to choosing the right testing supplies and tools for your diabetes management.
Often times, your medical team and doctor will prescribe you one, common brand. This is great for those newly diagnosed who are unfamiliar with the different brands and their features.
However, once you become more accustomed to diabetes management, you may want to venture out and find tools more suited towards your personal needs.
Why Accuracy is Important
When you test your blood glucose with an at home meter, you receive the results in only a few seconds. This number is hugely important because you rely on it to make dosing decisions, if on an insulin regimen, and your medical provider relies on it to adjust your current medical treatment. Accuracy is important because an incorrect number could have severe consequences.
Nova Max Plus
The Nova Max Plus tests both blood glucose levels and ketones in those with diabetes. It is recommended to test ketone levels in those with type 1 diabetes, when blood glucose levels are elevated higher than 250 mg/ dL, or when you are sick.
For those with type 2 diabetes, talking with your doctor first is always the best idea to determine when ketone testing should be done. Ketone testing can be added to your diabetes management plan to help provide you with all the tools in managing your diabetes.
I suggest reading the following related articles:
What are Ketones?
When you have diabetes, ketones can become an inconvenient and sometimes emergency occurrence. They are made when there isn’t enough glucose to supply your bodies organs and cells with the fuel (Energy) it needs.
Why it’s Important to Test for Ketones
Typically, in someone with type 1 diabetes, they may begin to form when there isn’t enough insulin in the body to move the glucose in the bloodstream. This can happen during an illness, or when an insulin infusion set goes bad. When someone with type 1 diabetes, who is insulin dependent, doesn’t have insulin for an extended period of time, ketones can develop rather quickly and if not treated appropriately can lead to DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis).
DKA can still occur in someone with type 2 diabetes, even though it is more uncommon. When there is a high level of insulin resistance, ketones can develop. This is why speaking with your medical team should be a priority to ensure you have all the proper information to create an ongoing management plan for success.
Contents of the Nova Max Plus Blood Glucose System Kit
You will receive the following in your blood glucose kit:
- Nova Max Plus Glucose Meter
- Vial of 10 Nova Max Glucose Testing Strips
- Lancing Device
- 10 Lancets
- Nova Max Glucose Control Solution
- Battery (CR2450, 3V)
- Reference Guide
- Owner Book
- Log Book
- Getting Started Card Poster
- Warranty Card
For more information refer to this link: https://novacares.com/downloads/NovaMax_english.pdf
Features of the Nova Max Plus
These are the most important features of the Nova Max Plus. You find out that their tagline easy, affordable and accurate is very true.
The Nova Max Plus features the following:
Bright Monitor Display
When powered on, you will see multiple segments on your display, some appearing briefly. This is a sign that your meter is working properly.
These segments include:
- Control
- Battery Indicator
- Glucose Results
- Average Test Results
- Date/ Time
- Blood Drop Indicator
- Memory Results
You can order Nova Max Plus here.
Small Sample Size
The Nova Max Glucose Test Strips only require a small sample size of 0.3 mL. The blood is automatically drawn into the test area on the strip when positioned properly.
This smaller sample size also helps to prevent errors associated with not enough blood in the test strip.
Short Wait Time for Results
Once you insert the strip into your Nova Max Plus Meter, it takes 3 seconds until the blood drop indicator appears on the screen. This lets you know that it’s now time to test yourself. After a blood sample is taken, the screen counts down for 5 seconds until your result appears.
The results of your tests are automatically stored into your meter memory. This meter is capable of holding up to 400 results. Your battery life is designed to work for up to 1,000 tests.
Included Nova SureFlex Lancing Device
The Nova SureFlex Lancing Device features a five depth penetration level with a force adjustment to provide more control and comfort than others on the market. The device also includes a clear cap for alternative site testing. It is compatible with 33 gauge lancets.
Alternative Testing Sites
The included lancing device allows for the option to use alternative testing sites. Please reference the diagram below to view the proper locations for these testing sites.
No Required Coding
Meters that receive improper coding can result in glucose errors up to 50%. With no coding required this reduces this risk.
No Maltose Errors
The Nova Max Plus prevents false high readings of glucose due to any non-glucose sugars in the blood stream, like that of maltose. Other test strips that use a glucose dehydrogenase methodology can have falsely elevated glucose errors from maltose, xylose and galactose. However, Nova Max does not employ this methodology so these errors do not occur.
Nova Max Glucose Test Strips
The Nova Max Glucose test strips do not require coding, as suggested above, and only use a small .03 mL sample size. They come in a large, easy to open vial.
Nova Max Ketone Test Strips
The Nova Max Ketone test strips are each individually wrapped in a foil packaging. They easily fit into your included test case. Most often you can test your ketone levels off of the same finger poke you used for the glucose test.
The biggest advantage of these ketone test strips is the sample size required is much smaller than others on the market.
Nova Max Link
The one thing that sets the Nova Max Link apart from others is its ability to transmit blood glucose levels to a Medtronic insulin pump. This gives it a huge advantage over some others for those using this model of insulin pump. You can order it here.
Key Features
- No coding necessary (auto code)
- Small blood sample 0.3 mL
- Short Testing Time for Results
- Compatible with Medtronic Paradigm Models 512,712, or higher
- Stores up to 400 results
- Battery Life of 500 tests
What is Included in with the Nova Max Link System
- Nova Max Link Glucose Meter
- Lancing Device
- Control Solution
- (10) Lancets
- Carry Case for Meter
- Battery
- Owners Guide
- Getting Started Card
- Warranty Card
- Reference Guide
- Clear Cap for Alternative Site Testing
Linking to Medtronic Pumps
When you receive the Nova Max Link meter it will already have the “SND” function turned on. You will need to program your pump to include the meter ID # in order to receive the test results on your pump. Once this connection is established, each time you test the meter will send that result to your pump.
Software Compatibility
Both the Nova Max Link and Nova Max Plus can connect with the Nova Max ConnectsPRO Diabetes Management Software. This software allows you to tract, record and report all data from your meters. Customized reports can be generated to provide you and your diabetic care team a comprehensive view of your current management.
Custom Reports Feature:
Summary: A summary of all test results and current trends.
Glucose Trend: Current high and low readings which help to reveal potential patterns in your levels.
Conformance: Helps you to better learn how food effects your glucose levels by reviewing results within your target range, above and below.
Logbook: Displays number of tests, average number of tests each day and the percentage of results that are in, above and below your target range.
Results per day: Showcases results in specific days
Results per week: Showcases results in specific weeks.
NOTE: A data transfer cable is required to use this software. This must be purchased separately through the Nova Max Website.
For additional diabetes information read the following articles:
Final Thought:
While we do not currently use either of the two available Nova Max Meters, I will comment that we used them previously when my son was pumping with the Medtronic Paradigm 522. My only issue with the Nova Max Link was that there was inconsistency in its result transfer. We were frequently having to re-enter the Links meter ID # in order to ensure transfer to his insulin pump.
With that being said, it’s been some time since I’ve used the Nova Max Plus or the Nova Max Link, so things could have very well have changed for the better. I’ve reached out to the company to inquire about giving each of the meters a try in their updated versions. I will definitely report back once I’ve done so to provide newer, current data on this.
Overall, the meters are pretty good. They come in a convenient carry case and are relatively inexpensive when compared to other blood glucose meters. So if you are looking for an accurate, affordable option, they are definitely ones you should try. For more info visit https://storefront.novacares.com/storefront/
Those were our two product reviews and I hope you find it useful!
TheDiabetesCouncil Article | Reviewed by Dr. Sergii Vasyliuk MD on June 03, 2020